Using Financial Wellness Offerings to Boost Employee Retention

For a good reason, financial wellness programs are booming in the workplace. Studies show that when a company offers employees access to reliable, affordable financial services, it positively affects employee retention. In an increasingly digital and connected world, employees need access to more than just basic financial services — they need access to the right financial services at the right price points. Financial wellness programs can ensure this by offering accessible savings options and loan products that target their specific needs. This article will focus on the benefits of employee financial wellness programs in South Africa and how they can help retain employees.

What are financial wellness programs?

Financial wellness programs (FWHPs) are an addition to standard employee benefits and go beyond retirement planning and investing information. It promotes the accurate understanding and proper application of money to maximise the likelihood that the employee will develop a healthy relationship with their money and establish stable, fulfilling, and satisfying personal finance scenarios at home and work, now and in the future. 

In South Africa, employers can provide various financial wellness programs to employees. Employers can give access to financial wellness programs through your payroll provider, through an employer-specific program, or as part of a corporate wellness program. 

There are a few key things you should keep in mind when deciding what type of financial wellness programs your company should offer to employees. First, you should assess what benefits employees are asking for. Next, you should determine which financial wellness provider your company can afford to partner with. Like all benefits, they come at a cost. Finally, it would be best if you determined whether your business can effectively market and distribute financial wellness programs to employees. These considerations will primarily affect the type of program you decide to offer.

The benefits of financial wellness programs

Increased savings rate

When employees have access to reliable financial products, like low-interest savings accounts and access to credit, they’re more likely to save for retirement. This can help improve your company’s financial health and increase its long-term viability.

Reduced risk of financial stress

Financial wellness programs can help employees manage their finances and avoid financial stress. Providing low-interest products and affordable access to credit can help them avoid risky behaviours that could affect their credit ratings and cause them to lose valuable benefits, like health care or retirement benefits.

Increased future earning potential

Financial wellness programs can help increase employees’ earning potential by providing access to various financial products and services, like credit. These include car loans to mortgages, which can help employees boost their net worth and unlock economic opportunities that could help them with future financial goals.

Why is it so important to retain employees?

Employees with access to reliable, affordable financial products are more likely to stay with your company. This can help boost your financial health and increase the long-term viability of your business. It can also help reduce the risk of financial stress in employees’ lives, like the feeling of economic pressure from paying unexpected costs like medical bills. For employees with access to reliable financial products, this financial stress is less likely to impact their day-to-day lives. Instead, it’s expected to cause them to seek help from their employer, like a company’s financial wellness program.

The three ways a financial wellness program boosts retention rates

Employee retention is vital to the overall health of any business, both in terms of profits and stability. Studies show that employees are more likely to stay on the job when a company offers access to reliable financial products. That means the benefits of providing financial wellness programs to your employees include the following: 

  1. Lower healthcare costs – A growing number of employers are offering their employees health savings accounts (HSAs). These accounts offer tax-free savings that can help cover out-of-pocket medical expenses. 
  2. Reduced risk of financial stress – Providing employees with low-interest products and affordable access to credit can help them avoid risky behaviours that could affect their credit ratings and cause them to lose valuable benefits, like health care or retirement benefits. 
  3. Increased future earning potential – Providing employees with access to a range of financial products and services, like credit, can help boost their net worth and unlock economic opportunities that could help them with future financial goals.


The internet and the rise of digital technologies have made it easier for employees to manage their finances. However, it’s still vital for them to have access to reliable financial products. That’s where financial wellness programs come in. FWHPs can help boost employee retention, improve a company’s financial health, and help employees manage their finances by providing access to various financial products and services, like credit.

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Why and How We Should Measure Success of Financial Well-Being

Financial wellness is not just a trend but a way of thinking about money that recognises the various pressures and stresses most people experience. In an increasingly complex financial world, it is essential to find new ways of measuring and monitoring the challenges people face in managing their money so that you can support them as an employer. 

Financial wellness is an umbrella term for initiatives that help consumers manage their money better, plan, and reduce their debt or loan payments. In other words, it’s about empowering people with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed financially so they feel more confident, less stressed, and more economically stable. Whether you’re looking to build your own financial wellness program or partner with a Financial Wellness Provider, this article will give you everything you need to know about measuring success and tips on making sure the program thrives long-term.

Why is measuring success so important?

Firstly, it’s important to remember that you cannot solve the financial well-being of people; you can only provide them with the tools to empower themselves. Therefore, you need to ask employees which tools they want. Otherwise, you might provide them with the wrong ones.

Secondly, you won’t know the success of the tools you buy if you don’t measure them on an ongoing basis. You could have the right tool but the wrong roll-out. But unless you measure, you won’t know. 

Thirdly, financial well-being is not a ‘nice to have’. It’s an area that affects the operation of your entire business because when people are preoccupied with financial stress, their productivity drops.

How to measure the success of financial wellness programs?

There are one of two methods of measuring financial wellness. Firstly, ask staff directly using a workplace financial well-being survey. These surveys give you direct, actionable data on what employees want, how they’re doing financially and the impact at work.

The second is using proxy metrics (many of which you already measure) to validate or weaken insights you get from your survey to drive the most appropriate action. These include retention, absenteeism, and pension contributions.

What metrics should be used in the measurement?

  • Staff retention data: Retention is an excellent measurement to use because you probably already measure it and have the data on hand. Considering turnover can indicate how staff feel about their employment, this suggests that staff with access to financial well-being benefits can reduce turnover.
  • Absenteeism: Stress – including financial stress – is correlated with absenteeism, so higher-than-average absenteeism can indicate acute economic anxiety or chronic financial stress causing a breaking point.
  • Pension fund contribution data: Changes to pension fund contributions can signify that staff are feeling the pinch.  

Tips to help your financial wellness program succeed

Clearly define what you mean by financial wellness. Doing so will help you understand your goals for the program as well as the needs of your participants. It will also help you determine what metrics to track. 

Have a strong partnership with your members and key stakeholders. This will help you gain support for your program and the resources you need to succeed.


Financial wellness programs aim to empower people with the knowledge and tools to succeed with money, so they feel more confident, less stressed, and more financially stable. 

To measure their success, we need to understand what people need and want from these programs and what metrics we can track to measure their progress. Measuring success is essential because it helps us understand our programs’ effectiveness. It will also help us determine what areas need improvement so the program can continue to serve people effectively. 

With a clear understanding of financial wellness, you can better design and implement a program that delivers people’s desired results.

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Does Numeracy Affect Your Financial Well-being?

The cost-of-living crisis has contributed to a staggering amount of financial stress. As a result, people now want their employers to focus as much on financial well-being as on mental and physical health. As employers now urgently turn to financial wellness programs to support their employees. A recent report exposed a hidden but severe barrier to achieving positive financial well-being in the workplace: low numeracy skills plague workforces worldwide.

What is financial well-being?

Financial well-being is about much more than having enough money in your bank account to cover the bills. It’s about understanding how your financial decisions affect your life and how you can use your money to achieve your life goals. It’s about being confident in your money management skills, no matter what stage of life you’re at and what stage of your financial journey and understanding your options when managing your finances. Financial well-being is also about being resilient and having the right tools if things don’t go as planned. It’s about surrounding yourself with people who support you and help you make intelligent decisions with your money.

Numeracy and your financial well-being

Financial literacy is a broad concept; although it’s only one aspect of literacy, it can impact your economic well-being. A lack of numeracy could lead to other financial issues, such as adopting a sub-optimal insurance plan or failing to understand a financial product’s terms and conditions, which could knock your financial well-being. 

Numeracy is essential in risk assessment, such as assessing the risk of default on a loan and the risk associated with a particular investment. Suppose you have difficulty evaluating the riskiness of certain financial products. In that case, you may be more likely to take on too much risk and end up with a sub-optimal financial portfolio and reduced financial well-being.

The problem with poor numeracy and financial well-being

A major problem with poor numeracy and financial well-being is that it may lead you to make poor decisions and end up with a sub-optimal financial portfolio. This could leave you short of money during important life events, such as retirement or emergencies, and reduce your financial well-being. Numeracy is critical concerning risk assessment. If you don’t fully understand the terms and conditions of a financial product, you might mistakenly think it’s less risky than it is, making it more likely that you’ll select it. If you change circumstances, the product may no longer suit your situation, leading to further financial difficulties and reducing your economic well-being.

How can you increase your financial numeracy?

If you have poor financial numeracy, the first step is identifying and dealing with the root cause. Are you not practising enough, or do you have an underlying problem that needs addressing, such as dyscalculia? You can quickly increase your numeracy skills by practising more if it’s the former. You can find numeracy resources online, take part in online quizzes, or join a local money management club. If you have dyscalculia, this disorder impairs your ability to use numbers and calculations, even if you’ve practised a lot. It’s estimated that anywhere between 2% and 5% of the population have dyscalculia, and it can affect people of all ages, although it’s more common in children and young adults.


Financial decision-making does not only consist of possessing financial terminology. It also involves mathematical calculations. Therefore, low numeracy levels contribute to various undesirable outcomes concerning personal financial well-being and the economy. According to a case study, low numeracy is associated with a 4.8% reduction in financial literacy, while a high level of numeracy is associated with a 5.6% incre

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Women are more likely to feel stressed about their finances – here’s what to do.

Money can be a stressor for all South Africans – but women often worry about it the most. Gender inequality in the workplace is a well-documented reality. While significant strides have been made to remedy the situation, much work remains. The first step is understanding the gender nuances of the working environment and the female employee experience. 

According to the State of Employee Wellbeing Barometer, South African men rate their working environment more positively than women. 

What is now well understood is that financial stress in the workplace has a direct impact on productivity. It has become apparent that women are more likely to stress about finances, so we are looking at what can be done in the workplace to support female employees.

The gender dimension of financial stress

A recent study that measured and analysed the experiences of a sample of South Africa’s working population found that almost 75% of employees rated their financial stress as a medium to high. 

In South Africa, losses in productivity equate to 128 million days, which accounts for R38 billion. Research shows that this issue has compounded further amongst female employees as gender nuances are present within a workforce. The most notable of these is that women are more likely than men to attribute their financial stress to the pressures of caretaking and the cost of maintaining a household.

The financial stress women experience can be attributed to remuneration, working conditions, and opportunities for training and development and is compounded by the weight of their domestic responsibilities. The data points to the fact that women, as they are the majority of primary caregivers, shoulder a more significant part of the burden of running a household both in a domestic and financial sense.

This should not be a surprise given that almost half of all South African households, 42,1%, are headed by women. This highlights the need for companies to implement gender-informed well-being policies and initiatives to address their financial stress and bring about meaningful and lasting change in the female employee experience. These gender-specific challenges must be addressed in the workplace because the stress ultimately affects your company’s bottom line.

Create an inclusive employee experience

Working towards a better employee experience requires a multi-faceted approach, including, but not limited to, aspects such as fair compensation. Additionally, for women in particular, access to learning and training opportunities are valued more highly when compared to their male counterparts.

1.          Increase confidence in financial literacy

Financial literacy, the ability to understand and effectively use financial tools, is the key to making informed financial decisions. It helps individuals make intelligent investments, save for retirement, and build resilience to economic shocks like the one endured globally during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, women consistently score lower than men on financial literacy measures.

This poses a problem as women are likely to take primary responsibility for childrearing, make important daily decisions about allocating household resources, and have a significant role in transmitting financial habits and skills to their children. Hence, they need to have adequate financial skills not only for themselves but also for future generations. 

Financial literacy is needed to improve women’s management of their personal and household finances and empower them to choose and access appropriate financial services and products. Financial literacy plays a foundational role in complex decisions like investing and insurance.

According to studies, the two most significant ways women neglect their financial wellness are:

  • Not creating a budget (or sticking to it)
  • Accruing too much debt

This is where partnering with a financial wellness provider such as SmartAdvance can help your female workforce. A focal point of financial wellness programs should be financial education and training. Financially literate employees manage their money with more confidence and have a better chance of handling the inevitable ups and downs of their financial lives and how to address any issues that may arise.

SmartAdvance assists your employees through educating and training them to:

Create and Maintain a Budget

The first step for women to build their finances must revolve around controlling their expenses.

The best way to do this involves creating and using a budget. With a budget, they develop a plan of action that helps them allocate their income into five standard headings: gifts, saving and investing, paying bills, paying debts, and enjoyment.

Budgeting helps them understand where their money comes from and where they plan to spend it.

Advise your employees to follow these basic steps to make a basic budget: 

  1. Know where you are. Write down the following:
    • How much and how often does your money come in?
    • How much and how often are you spending?
  2. Categories. Separate income and expenses into the following categories:
    • Fixed and variable income
    • Regular and irregular income
    • Fixed and variable expenses
    • Regular and irregular expenses
  3. Capture. Capture all of your Budgeted income and expenses onto a spreadsheet/template.
  4. Calculate budgeted amounts.
  5. Record and monitor actual amounts. This total is then captured under the actual column on your budget spreadsheet/template.
  6. Calculate variance (difference). Calculate the difference between your budgeted amount and the actual amount for each income and expense category.
  7. Update and repeat. Repeat the process the next time.

Along with identifying and eliminating unnecessary expenses, they can also use a budget to set limits on their spending and prioritise their debt repayments. 

Debt Prevention

The best way to encourage your female employees to live debt-free starts with advising them how to stay out of it in the first place. Provide your employees with these tips to help them live debt-free: 

  • Choose to pay with cash whenever you can. 
  • Avoid putting yourself in a position where an impulsive purchase becomes likely (e.g. grocery shopping after work, taking a credit or debit card to go “window shopping”, etc.)
  • Set a spending limit on your budget and stay within it. 
  • Only take out a loan to repay another loan if it lowers the interest and has you out of debt faster. 
  • Consult with a financial wellness provider such as SmartAdvance if you feel that you cannot consolidate your debt repayment on your own.

This helps employees navigate the pitfalls of debt by creating an understanding of it. This includes the benefits of repaying and avoiding debt. This enables employees to seek out the lowest interest rates when applying for loans and pay off monthly credit card balances to avoid interest charges. They can select the best methods to get out of debt if they have already accrued such debt. 

Financial literacy and women empowerment can go hand in hand. Increasing financial literacy can give women a more precise roadmap to their careers. It might help them achieve their life goals more effectively or do both.

2.           Improve financial capability

Globally, microfinance institutions (MFIs) provide more than 140 million low-income clients with credit and savings services, most of whom are women. Researchers have found that female borrowers pay back microfinance loans at higher rates than men, which means targeting women can benefit an MFI’s bottom line. 

Out-of-date, gender-based lending practices often mean female consumers are more likely to get higher interest rates, smaller loan amounts and increased penalties for mistakes. Newer, innovative lending methodologies, using alternative or cash flow data, show incredible potential for increasing credit access, particularly with low-income women. Using such alternative data SmartAdvance allows your company to enhance the financial well-being of your employees by providing a selection of low-risk credit options. 

SmartAdvance gives your employees the option of using low-risk credit by giving them access to our array of financial products:

  • Rehabilitation loans – R50 000 over 36 months to provide the means to clear all debt, clear judgements and debt review and lead them to a path of financial freedom.
  • Personal loans – Customers can access safe and affordable finance for up to R30 000 over 30 months for essential expenses.
  • Developmental credit – Supporting local communities by building their dream home.

We’ve shown that women are more likely to be negatively affected by financial stress, leading to decreased productivity, performance, and morale. This can have a monetary impact on your business. Knowing this, does it not make sense to plan for this and help your employees alleviate financial stress by partnering with a company specialising in financial wellness education and safe, affordable, and valuable financial products? 

Get in touch with SmartAdvance today to see how we can help employers and employees. 

Email: [email protected]

Call: 012 045 0606

WhatsApp: 012 045 0606

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Helping your employees get rid of the burden of debt.

Productivity loss in the workplace can be attributed to employees’ distress over personal financial issues. If you care about your employees’ wellness, you should also care about their financial well-being. Assisting employees with their financial well-being is beneficial for company culture and the overall productivity of a company. 

According to the 2015 Global Findex report from the World Bank, 86% of South Africans took out a loan to cover day-to-day costs. This translates to over-indebted and stressed employees. According to a PWC survey, 1 in 5 employees said personal finances are a distraction at work, resulting in a loss of productivity.

As an employer, you should provide as much support as possible to ease your workers’ financial pressures.

Implementing a financial health strategy for your employees

The solution to this challenge is two-pronged; financial education coupled with products and services that encourage behaviour change and improve consumer financial health. Employers implementing financial wellness programs should provide employees with financial knowledge and access to financial products that help them get out of debt, spend, and save. One approach cannot exist without the other. 

Once a company has accepted the importance of financial wellness in their employees’ lives, employers should note their staff’s specific needs and understand that solutions are not one-size-fits-all. Below are ways to get your employees out of debt:

Provide employees with responsible financial help

South Africans face the highest inflation rate in 5 years, with inflation at 6.5%. The ramifications of this record-breaking high is an annual price increase in a wide variety of goods and services, such as: 

  • Fuel: +32.5% 
  • Electricity and other fuels: +14.4% 
  • Public transport: +12.5%
  • Meat: +9.4%
  • Bread and cereals: +8.4%

With rising living costs, consumers are dealing with the reality of trying to afford the same goods and services for higher prices. South Africans are being driven to rely on credit for day-to-day costs. The  African Reserve Bank reports suggest that about R750 out of R1000 is used to service debt by South African households. This shortage of funds pushes consumers to consider dire solutions such as getting a loan from an unlicensed moneylender, such as loan sharks. 

As an employer, it is your responsibility to assist your employees. It is essential to understand and respond to the financial problems they face. This does not imply that it is your responsibility to pay off their debts; instead, you should provide as much support as possible to ease your employees’ financial pressures. 

A solution to this challenge is to partner with a financial wellness provider, such as SmartAdvance. We offer your employees secure payroll deduction loans which significantly reduce employees’ monthly debt. This product aims for over-indebted employees to gain control over their debt and give all employees the relevant tools to manage their money better.

Below are the employee benefits of a payroll deduction loan:

  • They are protected: By law, an employer has to make sure that debt repayments do not exceed 25% of an employee’s gross pay.
  • They save: There are no bank charges involved in a payroll deduction.
  • Convenience: Employees don’t have to make special arrangements to repay their loans – the instalments are deducted automatically. With SmartAdvance sales staff on-site, it is also easy for you to do business with us and have your questions answered and problems resolved.
  • Cheaper credit: The agreement between SmartAdvance and an employer guarantees employees a lower interest rate on their loan.

Below are the employer benefits of a payroll deduction loan:

  • Productivity: Employees who are not worried about money are more productive and less likely to make mistakes and break safety rules.
  • Loyalty: Employees will feel that you care about them and, as a result, will be loyal and hard workers.
  • Reputation: Gaining a reputation as a responsible, caring employer.

There are alternative options to debt review.

Encouraging an over-indebted employee to go the way of debt review can seem like a good idea for getting debt under control. However, over-indebted employees need to be aware that, once they enter debt review, they cannot apply for new credit, which cannot be exited until all the debts are settled. 

No process exists in the National Credit Act (NCA) that enables voluntary withdrawal from the debt review process after the consumer has applied for debt review. Even if their circumstances changed and they could afford to resume the original repayments, their only option would be to accelerate their repayments to settle the debts sooner.

Instead, as an employer partnered with SmartAdvance, you can provide your employees with one of two alternatives. Firstly, for employees with multiple debts, SmartAdvance offers Rehabilitation loans. We offer R50 000 over 36 months to any permanent employee who needs to settle the external debt (Retail Loans, Credit Card Payments, Micro Loans and bank loans) to provide the means to improve credit records and improve monthly savings. 

Secondly, we offer value-added service for employees who are already under debt review, Debt Review Removal. During this process, we negotiate with your employee’s creditors to get the best settlement rates for them. We settle your employee’s debts, remove judgements and get them out of debt review. We restructure and consolidate their debt into one monthly payroll deduction repayment.

Your employees must be aware of all their options instead of debt review. By partnering with SmartAdvance, you help your employees regain their financial freedom and financial security.

Provide a financial literacy program

Once employees are out of the debt trap and have regained financial freedom, this is where they need the most assistance. It is within your means to ensure they do not fall into a debt trap. Partnering with a financial wellness provider like SmartAdvance gives your employees access to financial education courses that offer an easy-to-understand approach to help them get out of debt, build wealth, and change their financial futures.

SmartAdvance provides training on various financial topics to educate your employees and improve their financial stability. Our training helps create financially literate employees who manage their money with more confidence and have a better chance of handling the inevitable ups and downs of their financial lives and how to address any issues that may arise.

This helps employees navigate the pitfalls of debt by creating an understanding of it. This includes the benefits of repaying and avoiding debt. This enables employees to seek out the lowest interest rates when applying for loans and pay off monthly credit card balances to avoid interest charges. Financial education will also teach employees to protect themselves from debt and bankruptcy by creating an emergency fund to fall back on when unexpected expenses arise.

Modules are flexible and can vary from five hours to three days, depending on the level of detail required on the given theme. 

Financially literate employees are more likely to avoid making the same poor financial decisions.

Benefits of debt review removal for employees and employers

The benefits of debt review removal are not limited to employees; as an employer, you are also presented with company benefits.

For employeesFor employers
Stops collection calls at the workplace.Help reduce employee absenteeism.
Improved wellbeing due to less financial distress.Increased employee engagement/morale.
Improves money habits.Improves productivity as employees do not take time during working hours to deal with debt.
Improves cash flow to meet all household expenses.Alleviates demand for payday advances.

With strategies like these in place, employees will be better equipped to manage their finances and, therefore, focus on their work and increase their productivity.  They will undoubtedly feel that their employer cares about them and, as a result, will be loyal and hard workers.

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Help Employees Set Their Budgets and Help Your Business Grow

As an employer, one of your key roles is to help your employees develop their unique strengths and interests within their respective roles. An additional part of prioritising is to assist employees in setting personal financial goals and developing relevant plans to help you and your employees stay focused and on track.

Regularly assisting employees set goals builds their engagement with you as an employer and boosts their productivity.

To reap the rewards of assisting employees, here are some ways employers can help employees create a fully comprehensive budget for 2022 and improve their financial literacy.

Show employees how they can have an impact.

Very few of us can afford a large financial purchase with a once-off payment, nor can we operate in today’s economic climate without keeping our spending in check. For reasons like these, we need to help employees figure out how they can achieve their financial objectives. They can do this by creating a budget (a financial roadmap) to tell them where they started, where they are, and where they are going. 

SmartAdvance informs employees that the budget tells us if we can afford to buy wish list items or if we need that money to cover fixed expenses. It also helps us achieve financial freedom by saving for a financially healthy retirement and helps to prepare for potential emergencies.

Putting a personal budget in place helps create some sense of financial stability and can be implemented by following the below simple steps:

Step 1: Know where you are

It is essential that you write down the following; how much and how often does your money come in, and how often are you spending. The more comprehensive this list is, the more effective your budget will be. 

Step 2: Categories

Both income and expenses can be fixed or variable and regular or irregular. Separate your income and expenses into the respective categories. 

Step 3: Capture

Capture all your Budgeted income and expenses onto a spreadsheet/template. Remember to separate them into fixed, variable, regular and irregular income and expenses.

Step 4: Calculate budgeted amounts

Having the total amount of your income and expenses will enable you to calculate what you will have left or not be able to pay at the end of the budgeted period. This helps you understand what you can or cannot afford, where you can save money and what is happening to your money.

Step 5: Record and monitor actual amounts

Monitor your actual expenses for the period in question. You will need to separate your expenses into various categories at the end of the period to calculate how much you spent. This total is then captured under the actual column on your budget spreadsheet/template.

Step 6: Calculate variance (difference)

Calculate the difference between your budgeted amount and the actual amount for each income and expense category. This difference is called the “variance”. There are only three outcomes to this calculation. You have little to no variance, negative, or positive variance.

Step 7: Update and repeat

Repeat the process the next time.

Employers should refrain from creating goals for employees. They can dictate the objective but not the goal. It’s best if employees come up with the goals themselves.

Help employees reach their goals.

When you partner with SmartAdvance, you assist your employees in setting their budget, and we take them through the process step by step. 

For employees to successfully implement a budget, they must articulate what they hope to achieve with their budget so that we can assist them in setting SMART goals to make creating a successful budget possible. 

Employees need to understand that these goals are for themselves and not solely to improve their productivity at work. Employees need to know what’s in it for them, so we discuss the below with them:

  • How the goal impacts them personally.
  • How the goal aligns with their passions and career path.
  • The knowledge and skills they can develop while pursuing the goal.

Helping them helps you.

Succeeding as an organisation requires business skills, decision-making, and, most importantly, happy employees. Employees need to perform within the organisation and create value. In return, a company should assist them with essential matters such as budgeting and financial wellness. 

Budgeting is one of the essential skills to master. This requires a company to partner with a financial wellness provider that can provide training programs that equip employees with the financial literacy needed to address their changing financial needs. Implementing employee wellness programs that encompass benefits – such as financial training and financial assistance – is excellent for recruitment and employee retention and translates into crucial metrics such as improving productivity and profits.

Not only does it help you improve productivity, but more importantly, it has a positive impact on company morale which has become a central focal point for employers in this post-pandemic world. Employees who have access to financial wellness benefits are more likely to have high confidence than those who don’t. Employers who offer such solutions to their teams have employees who report less stress.

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The SmartAdvance Wellness Ecosystem makes better employees.

Financial wellness is a topic that increasingly pops up amongst employers. With most employees being stressed and worrying about their finances at work, it’s not hard to see why.

In this article, we’ll look at employee financial wellness, what a financial wellness program looks like, what the potential benefits are, and what you can expect when partnering with SmartAdvance.

Prevent employees from falling into a debt-trap

The focus of a financial wellness program is often on reducing debt, but another approach can be to help staff avoid debt altogether. Usually, debt reduction solutions lessen the financial burden, but the stress remains. This is where wage streaming is different since it helps staff avoid debt in the first place. 

Wage streaming allows employees to stream some of their earned wages. It is directly deposited into their bank account, assisting them when they need it most to avoid bills and expenses putting them into debt.

An additional focal point of financial wellness programs is financial education and training. Financially literate employees manage their money with more confidence and have a better chance of handling the inevitable ups and downs of their financial lives and how to address any issues that may arise.

This helps employees navigate the pitfalls of debt by creating an understanding of it. This includes the benefits of repaying and avoiding debt. This enables employees to seek out the lowest interest rates when applying for loans and pay off credit card balances each month to avoid interest charges. If they have already accrued such debt, they will be able to select the best methods to get out of debt. 

Financial education will also teach employees to protect themselves from debt and bankruptcy by creating an emergency fund to fall back on when unexpected expenses arise.

Enhance financial wellness within the formally employed

Partnering with financial wellness providers, such as SmartAdvance, allows your company to enhance the financial well-being of your employees by providing a selection of low-risk credit options and financial education/training. 

Due to the ongoing pandemic, there are tremendous challenges within the workplace that frequently affect employee productivity and morale, resulting in financial stress. Fortunately, employers now have the option to minimise the stress of employees. 

Suppose wage streaming does not cover the expenses that confront employees. In that case, SmartAdvance gives employees the option of using low-risk credit by giving them access to our array of financial products:

  • Rehabilitation loans – R50 000 over 36 months to provide the means to clear all debt, clear judgements and debt review and lead you to a path of financial freedom.
  • Education/Training – Provide training on various financial topics to educate customers and improve financial stability.
  • Personal loans – Customers can access safe and affordable finance for up to R30 000 over 30 months for essential expenses.
  • Developmental credit – Supporting local communities by building their dream home.

Providing secured payroll deduction loans which significantly reduce employees’ monthly debt

Payroll deduction loans are only available to employees of companies partnered with SmartAdvance. This product aims for over-indebted employees to gain control over their debt and give all employees the relevant tools to manage their money better.

Based on the terms of the agreement employees sign when taking out a loan with SmartAdvance, we submit all necessary information to your company’s HR department to deduct the instalment directly from an employee’s salary and have it paid to SmartAdvance.

Below are the employee benefits of a payroll deduction loan:

  • They are protected. By law, an employer has to make sure that debt repayments do not exceed 25% of an employee’s gross pay.
  • They save. There are no bank charges involved in a payroll deduction.
  • Convenience. Employees don’t have to make any special arrangements to repay their loans – the instalments are deducted automatically. With SmartAdvance sales staff on-site, it is also easy for you to do business with us and have your questions answered and problems resolved.
  • Cheaper credit. The agreement between SmartAdvance and an employer guarantees an employee a lower interest rate on their loan.

Below are the employer benefits of a payroll deduction loan:

  • Employees who are not worried about money are more productive and less likely to make mistakes and break safety rules.
  • Better employer-employee relationships.
  • Gaining a reputation as a responsible, caring employer.

Create happier, healthier, and more productive employees

Let’s look at the employee benefits of implementing a financial wellness program throughout your company:

Reduce mental stress

Financial stress results in absenteeism and tardiness amongst employees. Providing employees with the necessary financial products and education can help alleviate this burden. Furthermore, these programs reduce employee stress levels and increase their overall health by providing them with the tools they need to take control of their finances.

Increase in employee satisfaction

Employees who have access to financial wellness programs have reported greater professional satisfaction. Programs let them set and achieve personal financial goals, including building an emergency fund, upgrading their homes, and much more.

An employee prepared for unexpected financial emergencies can engage more at work. This is because they do not have to worry about their long-term finances.

Increase in leave days

Employees who worry about money miss two more days per year than their unstressed colleagues. 

Financial wellness programs offer many free resources to help employees during the workday. Whether it’s financial education classes, career coaching, or benefit programs, financial wellness programs help employees reduce finance-related health symptoms. Instead of sitting in a doctor’s office for long periods, less stressed employees can use their leave days for relaxation and rejuvenation.

It is not only employees that gain benefits from financial wellness programs. Employers do as well, and below are some of the benefits that you as an employer can expect:

Increased productivity

Employees whose financial pressure increased due to the pandemic are more likely to admit that their finances are a distraction at work.

Luckily, financial wellness programs can provide employees with alternatives to stressing over their finances. Financial education courses, benefit funds, and financial aid products can alleviate employees’ money worries. Thereby, productivity increases and your organisation will be able to thrive as you reduce these types of stresses.

Reduce absenteeism

Financial stress results in a 34% increase in absenteeism and tardiness, according to research from Society for Human Resource Management.

Money-related stress can also lead to increased presenteeism; employees come to work despite being physically or mentally unwell. While it may seem less harmful, presenteeism seriously affects organisations and can cost them a lot of money. Companies save on labour expenses when employees aren’t missing work due to their financial stress. 

If you are one of the growing numbers of employers launching financial wellness programs for employees to enhance the bottom line of your company and improve the lives of your employees, get into contact with SmartAdvance to find out how we can get you started.

Email us: [email protected]

Phone us: +27 12 045 0606

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The Five Pillars of Financial Wellness

Managing and maintaining your financial health can be less than pleasant, especially because spending is more satisfying than planning. However, it’s important to remember that financial wellness is one of the defining factors of your life’s success. 

You can understand financial wellness as the ability to meet current and future financial obligations. When you have a low financial wellness score, you’re more likely to be under strain and experience stress. There is no set monetary amount to achieve financial wellness. Instead, it is tied closely to your financial stress and financial confidence.

In a 2019 PWC Employee Financial Wellness Survey, the report found that only 44% of employees feel that their employers care about their financial wellbeing. With numbers like this and the continued decline of financial well-being amongst employees, it’s clear that organisations and employers need to improve.

We’re sharing five pillars of financial wellness that you can use to guide your financial well-being journey.

1. Managing Money

Managing your funds is done in many ways and has no quick solution. Depending on your spending habits, you can adopt several strategies to help you manage your money. These strategies include:

  • Budgeting: Budgeting helps you control your spending habits
  • Spend tracking: Spend tracking gives you insight into whether you are overspending on unnecessary expenses
  • Paying off debt: Paying off debt gets you one step closer to financial freedom
  • Saving: Putting away a little every month helps you save to afford the lifestyle you want

2. Earn Money

Earning money is another significant part of financial wellbeing. There are several ways in which you can earn sustainably. Sustainable earning is key because earning on a non-regular basis is very common but inefficient. There are two main ways to earn and achieve financial wellness:

  • Passive income: Generating income through passive means such as rental income, sharing your interests online via blogs, social media, and more to build up a following which can be monetised, etc. This is income that you don’t physically have to log hours to earn revenue.
  • Active: More like the regular 9 to 5, which we’re all familiar with, you perform a service to receive compensation.

3. Grow Your Money

This is quite different from earning money. Growing your money can be done through saving and investing. Saving can be done automatically by keeping part of your income every month. Investing is done through retirement funds, unit funds, dividend stocks, etc.

Though there may be many ways to grow your money, there are three aspects to keep in mind:

  • Be consistent
  • Be intentional
  • Be committed

4. Smart Borrowing

To borrow is to use certain forms of finance, such as using credit. When done responsibly, it can benefit you in the long run, such as when you are establishing a credit record. You need to avoid overspending and build a good payment history to borrow effectively. This means:

  • Only borrowing what you can afford
  • Making payments before the due date
  • Not opening too many credit lines
  • Not closing any outstanding credit lines

5. Protect Your Money

Protecting your money is something that should be taken seriously. Getting insurance is an effective technique for protecting your money. Insurance allows you to have peace of mind in exchange for you paying a monthly premium and receiving protection for your financial losses. 

Some other ways to protect your money are:

  • Creating solid passwords for your financial accounts
  • Only financing with accredited banking services
  • Using your personal computer for your financial management

Remember, financial wellness doesn’t just happen. It’s a conscious effort that is reinforced with intelligent decision-making. Partnering with SmartAdvance can help you find the key that unlocks the door to financial wellness. If your employer is not yet signed up with SmartAdvance, please send your manager or HR team the link to our website at

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We need to talk about Christmas.

For most Christmas is, unfortunately, the most expensive time of the year. A recent study conducted by Wonga SA has revealed that South Africans spend an average of R5 706 EACH over the festive season. The chances of us overspending this festive season are even higher after the tough year we faced thanks to the pandemic. This might be the only chance some of us get to see our family this year, so the urge to spoil them is stronger than usual.

This is why, more than ever, it’s important that we talk to our family and loved ones about the cost of Christmas.

Talk to your loved ones

We want to spoil our loved ones during Christmas, this is a tradition that most of us fall prey to. The problem is the extent we go to.

Work out how much you can spend on each of your loved ones, a budget that won’t lead you into financial trouble, and talk to the people you plan on giving gifts to about how much you will be able to spend.

We know that many of us is probably too embarrassed to chat about this. It’s important to remember that many of us are struggling this December and if you splurge on gifts others might feel the pressure to do the same for you.

Remember that Christmas is not about what you can buy, it’s more important that you are able to spend valuable time with loved ones.

Make a budget and stick to it

With the possibility of a harsher lockdown during Christmas, we aren’t sure whether we’ll be able to spend the season with anyone other than our immediate household and this makes budgeting difficult.

Even though planning might be trickier, it remains important that we at least try to create a Christmas budget. To begin, make a list of family members and friends that you will be buying a gift for and how much you will spend on each of them.

If you are hosting a dinner, plan how many people will be coming over and how much you will be spending on food and drink. Consider asking everyone who comes over to contribute to the dinner, whether it’s drinks or a salad, each bit helps.

Most importantly once you have your budget stick to it!

Look for cheaper alternatives

Don’t be afraid to hunt on bidorbuy or at Cash Crusaders for good-as-new second-hand gifts. If you’re good with your hands, a handmade gift is thoughtful and doesn’t need to be expensive. Or maybe you’re a pro at baking and have the skills, bake amazing treats for family and friends.

Cheap or even free does not mean that thought didn’t go into it.

Final thoughts

Sometimes, no matter how careful you are and no matter how hard you try to plan the festive season might throw unexpected expenses your way. If you need help to get through the festive season, reach out to SmartAdvance so that we can help you take care of the necessities.

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5 Ways to Avoid Overspending on Black Friday

Want to curb that Black Friday empty bank account blues? We know that holiday shopping can be stressful. The season brings financial pressures, which includes saving enough for all the gifts you want to buy and struggling to stick to your budget. 

We are not alone in this, in fact 76% of South Africans overspend over the festive season with the average South African expecting to spend over R6 500 on Christmas alone. The financial strain we are left under after the festive season is anything but jolly.

But there are some easy strategies you can employ during those tempting Black Friday sales to limit your overspending.

Set Spending Limits

Secret Santa or gift exchanges are known to impose limits on how much we’re allowed to spend per person. But we can do the same with friends and family.

We shouldn’t be afraid to set limits and make them known. Be open with talking with friends and family and come up with an amount that suits everybody’s budget. Or set your own budgets and let your people know in advance what you’re planning to do this holiday.

Know Your Spending Triggers

There are many reasons we overspend, but we can control our spending by identifying what causes us to shop on impulse and buy needless things. For example, many of us can’t resist a sale. But just because something is on sale doesn’t necessarily mean that we are saving money.

For example, be careful of “buy more, save more”. The tactic is to make us think that there is better value when there is R100, R200 or R500 off, but it is the same discount percent so don’t let that claim make you spend more.

Have a Game Plan

It’s important that we take the time to do our homework before we head to the shops, online or physical, this black Friday. Retailers generally release their ads in advance, so be sure to compare the advertised prices and promotions.

But we know that sometimes you just want to know whether something is a good deal or not. SO have a look at this Black Friday calculator. You plug in the type of promotion, the original price and the discount and the calculator will tell you if the deal is worth considering.

After you have calculated the worthiness of those Black Friday deals, create a list of gifts you want to buy from each retailer, which saves you time and money. Be sure to have back-up gifts planned, so if the chosen gift is out of stock, you don’t waste time scrambling at the last minute and overspending. 

Track Your Spending 

It can be very easy for us to get caught up in the ongoing sales of Black Friday, that is what makes it so important to monitor your spending. Watch all of your purchases and don’t get caught up in the thrill of all the deals.

You can do this by checking your credit card and debit card transactions or using an app like 22seven, which links to all your bank accounts and send you purchase and budget alerts.

Keep track of all the Christmas gifts/Black Friday purchases you’ve made on a list and stick it on your fridge, seeing the numbers help you make better buying decisions because it holds us accountable.

Final thoughts

With the holiday season coming up, we know that it might not be possible to get through it without some help. If you are looking for responsible loan options, apply for a SmartAdvance loan today

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